Thursday, July 30, 2015

One Week of Change

It's been 1 week since I started 21 Day Fix. I wasn't expecting much from it considering how much I am allowed to eat but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale yesterday!

 I honestly thought I'd lose maybe a pound or two, not 6! I've always been pretty skeptical of any weight loss programs. I'm not a fan of sales pitches mostly because they are pretty transparent to me. My mom is an extraordinary sales woman and I know the tricks. Usually when I see adds for anything weight loss related I cringe. But I FULLY endorse this program. It's healthy and educational. I've learned so much about clean eating already and I don't feel deprived for the first time in my life. My body functions better after a week of the Shakeology and healthy eating. I can't wait to see what a month will feel like.

Anyway, If you are interested in knowing more about the stuff feel free to check out this presentation I made to explain it better. Awesome Presentation HERE!

Feel free to email me with any questions you may have!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Let's Just Be Happy.

There are so many choices we make each day that all come together to create the bigger picture. One being how we choose to feel about ourselves. A few years ago in my darker days I went through a period of depression. I couldn't drag myself out of bed, skipped a lot of classes and spent a lot of my time thinking about how crappy of a person I was. That's when I started learning about the power of positive affirmations. Write down 5 positive things about yourself and stick them somewhere you will see them a lot through out the day. I wrote them on my bathroom mirror in dry erase marker. If I wasn't going to be home I made them my lock screen on my phone. That paired with lifestyle changes (less alcohol, less junk food, more exercise) were how I found my happy place again.

I'm a glass half full type of person. I like the sunny side of life... but I am also the type who thinks too much about the past and that occasionally comes back to bite me. It's really easy to wake up with a crick in your neck and assume that's the start of a crappy day. We don't have to put so much energy into negativity. We can rise above things and think happy thoughts. I know that sounds ridiculous (because I am also pretty realistic) but it's a bit part of how I have turned my life around over the past year or two.

So I challenge anyone that reads this to write down 5 positive things about themselves tomorrow morning and really read them. Take on the day with a glass is half full attitude even if that isn't your style. set goals and smile a lot! Life is to short to be so angry/upset all of the time. Let's seize the day!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Goals? I've Got Those!

Everyone has at least 1 goal, whether it's to quit smoking or take the trash out before the pick up comes. They come in all shapes and sizes and require varying amounts of effort to complete. Some are short-term, some may be longer. At the end of the day we all have some type of goal (or goals). The question is how and when will we accomplish them?

Today after hearing how in order to accomplish your fitness goals (but really this applies to any), you have to figure out your "Why". Your "Why" is the reason you are doing whatever it is you are doing. After that you are supposed to write it down where you can continuously look back at it as a reminder of why you started. In all of my years of goal chasing I have never done this and I really don't know why not. It's easy to get carried away and write down a lofty list of long and short term goals but it's not always easy to accomplish them. If you take the time to sit down and think about your "Why" for each goal perhaps we wouldn't leave so many unaccomplished. With that said, I'd like to take the time write a short list of my goals and my "Why".


  • Lose 60 pounds before my wedding day
  • Lose a total of 150 pounds
  • Stick to our budget
  • workout daily


All of my goals correlate with each other. The first 60 pounds is so I can fit into a dress I bought a year ago that does not fit (It's also a good short term goal to keep me motivated). I want to lose weight so that I can be healthy for the family we are building. I want to stick to the budget to build a good financial future for our family and I want to workout daily to be fit, healthy, and strong for not only our family but myself. 

I've often heard that a good rule of thumb is to have attainable goals. Though I agree that they give you a good push, don't be afraid to have "unattainable" goals. Because who can really say you wont accomplish them? We don't have a crystal ball to see into the future. Go for whatever it is you want, for whatever reason and just be happy! Anyway, that's my two cents and you can take it or leave it.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Day 1, Round 1

Today I began on 21 Day Fix! So far I am really liking it. It's actually A LOT of food! Also, Shakeology is DELICIOUS. It's not grainy like other protein shakes I have had. I'll walk you through my day so far.

This morning I rolled out of bed at 6am and concocted this delicious breakfast:

I used 2 of my teaspoons for peanut butter, 1 of my yellow cups for 8oz of Original Almond Milk, 1 Scoop Shakeology and a good amount of ice. Blended it all up and added a little water to tone down the thickness. It's pretty darn good! Tomorrow I will be trying it with coffee.

Kicked my butt before 9am:

I am following the schedule on the calendar in the start book. Thursday was Pilates Fix or I think Abs. I chose Pilates because it was one that I was excited to try. OMG. THAT. BURN. At one point I could barely lift my legs to do my stretch. It felt like I was physically in a class at the gym. It was easy to follow and the modifications definitely do give you a workout if you choose to do some or all of them.

Chugged A LOT of water:

They give you the formula for figuring out the amount of water you should try to consume. Because I weigh quite a lot the number was... HUGE. I should be drinking roughly 143ish ounces daily. So far I am nursing 74.4. 

Snack Time!

For my first snack I had Cucumbers and Pineapple. I put black pepper on the cucumber to keep myself from eating hummus and using my blue cup before dinner. And of course... the water.

That's the most I documented before I devoured lunch and took a nap. The program is great so far though and I would highly recommend it to anyone. It's flexible, filling, and a lot of fun! 

If you would like to know more about this program or other products offered by Beachbody or have any questions on how to get started on a healthier lifestyle, visit my coaching website and contact me/browse. My Coach Site

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It's HERE!

After waiting for what felt like forever (roughly 5 days) my coach start-up and 21 Day Fix Challenge pack came in with my Vegan Chocolate Shakeology. Before you ask, I am not a Vegan, I'm simply not a fan of Whey. It was torture not sampling the Shakeo but I refuse to waste a drop. I'm starting first thing in the morning.

I took about an hour to go through all of the information given to me in the packet. Coaching now seems a lot less overwhelming and I would be happy to help anyone interested in joining my team or becoming a client! 

I will do a full review after day 1 and keep everyone updated on my progress with the program. I can already picture my wedding dress actually fitting! Ahhh... what a beautiful image.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Countdown Is ON!

Thursday night I finally made the decision to sign up as a Beachbody Coach and get the 21 Day Fix Challenge pack. Ever since then the suspense has been KILLING me.

It's times like these I wish I weren't so cheap and just sprung for the 2 day shipping. Also, does anyone else agree that following a tracking number is like watching the seconds on a microwave?! It feels like it's been 5 years.

In the meantime I guess I will just sit back and try not to jump at the sound of every loud vehicle that comes down my street. Wish me luck!