Saturday, July 25, 2015

Let's Just Be Happy.

There are so many choices we make each day that all come together to create the bigger picture. One being how we choose to feel about ourselves. A few years ago in my darker days I went through a period of depression. I couldn't drag myself out of bed, skipped a lot of classes and spent a lot of my time thinking about how crappy of a person I was. That's when I started learning about the power of positive affirmations. Write down 5 positive things about yourself and stick them somewhere you will see them a lot through out the day. I wrote them on my bathroom mirror in dry erase marker. If I wasn't going to be home I made them my lock screen on my phone. That paired with lifestyle changes (less alcohol, less junk food, more exercise) were how I found my happy place again.

I'm a glass half full type of person. I like the sunny side of life... but I am also the type who thinks too much about the past and that occasionally comes back to bite me. It's really easy to wake up with a crick in your neck and assume that's the start of a crappy day. We don't have to put so much energy into negativity. We can rise above things and think happy thoughts. I know that sounds ridiculous (because I am also pretty realistic) but it's a bit part of how I have turned my life around over the past year or two.

So I challenge anyone that reads this to write down 5 positive things about themselves tomorrow morning and really read them. Take on the day with a glass is half full attitude even if that isn't your style. set goals and smile a lot! Life is to short to be so angry/upset all of the time. Let's seize the day!

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